National Campaign to Educate Media on Health Disparities
Schizophrenia in the African-American Community

Develop a strategy to raise awareness and to help end the stigma of schizophrenia in the African-American community.
Tactics & Results
Developed a workshop panel for pharmaceutical client at the National Association of Black Journalists Media Institute on Health Disparities to explore the challenges and important culturally-sensitive needs around perception, diagnosis, treatment and support. Elevated journalists’ and media professionals’ knowledge about schizophrenia. Expanded client’s education and awareness platform and established client relationships with media. Related messages to dispel misconceptions about schizophrenia and that those affected by the condition can lead productive lives at work, home and in the community. Placements in minority-focused media outlets (syndicated radio, web, print, blogs, television). Secured follow-on stories in mainstream media including national cable news, and local television network affiliates, and radio.